The Monolith
Collapse as many unnecessary conceptual models as possible. Eliminates as much needless abstraction as you can swing a hammer at. It’s a big fat no to distributing your system lest it truly prevents you from doing what really needs to be done.
SimplicityDeveloper Experience
Talks & Videos
What is a Monolithic Architecture? Do you need one?
201814 mins
GOTO 2018 • Modular Monoliths • Simon Brown
201846 mins
START with a Monolith, NOT Microservices
20208 mins
Building Better Monoliths: Implementing Modulithic Applications with Spring
201960 mins
Majestic Modular Monoliths by Axel Fontaine
201841 mins
Scaling Monolith Applications
20208 mins
Blogs & Articles
The Majestic MonolithInertia.JS Lets Developers Write API-Free Monolithic React/Vue/Svelte Applications in PHP or RubyMonolithFirstThe Modular Monolith: Rails ArchitectureUnder Deconstruction: The State of Shopify’s MonolithDeconstructing the Monolith: Designing Software that Maximizes Developer ProductivityI Just Heard That Monoliths Are The Future Of Software Development