Server-side Rendering

Server-side rendering is the most common method for displaying information onto the screen. It works by converting HTML files in the server into usable information for the browser.

SimplicityPerformanceEnergy EfficiencyMajestic Monolith

Talks & Videos

Straight Talk About Server-Side Rendering (Polymer Summit 2017)

201712 mins

Beyond single-page apps: alternative architectures for your PWA (Google I/O 18)

201834 mins

The Drawback of Client Side Rendering

20209 mins

How To Render Server Side with Puppeteer

201818 mins

Server-side Rendering - Totally Tooling Tips

20175 mins

Client Side vs. Server Side Rendering

20179 mins

What is Server-Side Rendering?

20176 mins

Client-Side VS Server-Side Rendering - Data Fetching with Next.js

202113 mins

CSR, SSR, and SSG on NextJS

202025 mins

Blogs & Articles