Energy Efficiency
The internet consumes a lot of electricity. 416.2TWh per year to be precise. To give you some perspective, that’s more than the entire United Kingdom. From data centres to transmission networks to the devices that we hold in our hands, it is all consuming electricity, and in turn producing carbon emissions.
Blogs & Articles
17 ways to make your website more energy efficientHow Web Content Can Affect Power UsageWhat's the Carbon Footprint of Your Website?What You Can Do To Reduce the Carbon Footprint of Your WebsiteGreening the Web: How We Can Create Zero Carbon WebsitesHow to Reduce the Carbon Footprint of Websites by Improving PerformanceYour Web Use Leaves A Carbon Footprint, Here's How You Can Reduce ItYour website is killing the planetSave the planet through Sustainable Web designHow Improving Website Performance Can Help Save The PlanetSustainable Web Design